September 2022

Stephen says:

Dahlias, dahlias and more dahlias. 384 of them to be exact from 128 varieties across the 5 groups; Collerette (Group 3), Waterlily (Group 4), Decorative (Group 5), Ball (Group 6) and Cactus (Group 8). The range of colours is extensive from white and yellows to reds and oranges, through to the pinks and deep purples. The shapes are varied too from tiny highly petaled pom pom balls to single petaled daisy like flowers through to the dramatic spiky cactus flowers. Mixed in with the grasses and bordered with Asters the display is quite striking. The borders are also a fantastic resource if you are considering adding dahlias to your own garden, although with so many flower types, shapes and colours to choose from, it is hard to pick a favourite. Come and have a look and let us know which is your favourite.

The Annual Border will be reaching its best in September with the 5,500 plants that made it into the border, producing an abundance of flowers of every shape and colour. When you do come and see it, remember to visit the shop and pick up the detailed planting plan which will guide you through the planting scheme and give you inspiration for future annual planting plans of your own.

Both the Dahlia and Annual Borders get better week by week and will look wonderful until the first frosts around the end of October or November, providing colour though the autumn months.


Behind the scenes

There will be a lot of tying in of the dahlias this month to ensure that the flowers are held high so they can be admired.

The Eucomis Sparkling Burgundy and Agapanthus Queen Mum, in pots, will be given another liquid feed.

Plant of the month

Whilst the Dahlias do start to steal the show in September we have to mention the 20 or so varieties of Aster (Asteraceae) that are scattered through The Hornbeam Walkway and The Traditional Border. Originating in Northern America, the aster gets its name from the Greek word “aster,” which means star. According to Greek mythology, the goddess Asterea looked up into the sky and couldn’t see any stars, which made her so sad she started to weep, and where her tears fell, asters began to grow out of the ground.

Their daisy like flowers, in shades of pink, purple or blue, sparkle in the September light and add great substance and background to the taller perennials they support. They are also a fabulous food source at this time of year for bees, butterflies and other small insects.

Garden Tips

Most of the pot grown plants have now been planted out into the garden so now is the time to gather the empty pots, wash them out and store them ready for future.

In the News

We are now selling plants! We have chosen plants that we grow in our borders so you can recreate a bit of the Aston Pottery gardens in your own garden. Find them at the entrance to the shop.


Our gardening team is very small.

Stephen is head gardener, when he is not making pottery, making cakes, serving in the café or helping in the shop.

Nicky volunteers one day per week, Gill volunteers one morning a week, Richard volunteers 3 days a week and Kian works in the garden and workshop 4 to 5 days a week.


More help would be very welcome. Would you like to volunteer too, either on a regular basis or for one of our big plant outs?

You will be reward by being surrounded with wonderful people and plants, along with a cuppa and some fabulous cake (and lunch if you do a full day).

To get involved, contact Stephen Baughan via email at