Spring / Introduction

Introduction to all Borders 2024

Spring is easily the most exciting time of the year, where the garden lies bare, but great anticipation prevails because we know what is about to happen in the perennial borders and Hot Bank.

The Hornbeam trees are trimmed, the borders have a layer of compost laid over them, dahlia cuttings are taken and over 120 varieties of annual seeds are sown.

What could be more exciting than watching new life erupt in front of you, be it cuttings rooting or seeds germinating – all of them within months providing the most exuberant display of colour and texture.


People are amazed in the change that occurs here between April and June, in most cases it is complete disbelief that plants can do so much – but obviously they do.

It is, I’m afraid, a sad indictment of many peoples detachment from nature and a belief that technology is the only thing we need to know.  So if you want to be totally blown away by what plants can do, visit us in early June and then once a month to see borders progress to October.  I know you will be pushed to find a more ‘wow’ experience.

Summer Gardens
Autumn Gardens
Aston Pottery Hornbeam Walk in winter
Winter Gardens