
drawing designs for molds at Aston Pottery for slip casting


All our shapes begin life on a piece of paper in Steve’s office. Beginning with our Mugs
and Jugs, over the past 25 years we have added a wide variety of designs to our collection,
ranging from butter dishes to rimmed bowls, and most recently cake stands. The journey
from paper to product takes time, but the results are always worth it.

developing and making moulds at Aston Pottery


When we are happy with the technical drawings of our new shapes, the process of creating
a block and case mould begins. The block and case are the master moulds for the
shape we want to produce, with the block forming the positive relief of the shape and the
case creating the negative.

slip casting jugs and teapots at Aston Pottery using molds


With the master mould completed and finalised, production or ‘working’ moulds can be
produced en masse. Made of plaster these moulds are designed to last for many castings
and can easily be reproduced from the block and case when required.

removing and drying jugs, handles and teapots from molds in the workshop


Whether it be slip casting, jollying or rollering all our working moulds take the same
journey from paper to production. Over the years we have amassed around 50 shapes for many different
purposes, from the mugs you use on a daily basis, to plant pots, vases and giant 7 pint jugs.

application of colour for designs using stencils and a stippling technique with a flat paint brush